No matter where the water came from, a flooded front office has the potential to damage your bottom line in many ways. From lost revenue to poor reputation to replacement costs, water damage where you welcome the public can be costly to your business. 

There are a few ways to minimize those dangers, though. .Here are five steps to take as soon as you experience flooding in reception areas.

1. Call a Damage Specialist. The most important thing anyone can do when faced with a flood emergency is to call for professional cleanup and restoration services. Standing water and moisture becomes more dangerous the longer it sits stagnant. Not only will you likely lose more furnishings and structural materials, but you also risk mold and bacteria that can harm employees and visitors.  An emergency water damage restoration company can help you get everything cleaned up quickly.

2. Prepare for Insurance. Your business or property insurance likely covers much of the cost of water cleanup and replacement of destroyed furnishings or computers. But you need to know what exactly is covered. Start by taking many photographs of all damage. Document items that are removed from the water as well as your costs for damage restoration. Consult with your insurance agent as soon as possible and get a copy of your policy to read through. 

3. Create Temporary Reception. Since the reception area is the first impression most customers and visitor have of your business, look to their needs first. Set up a temporary reception area on the main property site. This area could be an adjacent, unaffected office. It might be an alternative entrance that can be redecorated temporarily. Or it might even be an air-conditioned tent in the parking lot. Make it as comfortable as possible

4. Give Workers a Space. Once visitors have a place to go during damage repair, make sure that employees do as well. Arrange for receptionists, administrative assistants, and security personnel to use other spaces as their temporary base of operations. Use empty offices and cubicles, ask some employees to double up, or rent office trailers so that employees can continue to work as efficiently as possible. 

5. Communicate with Customers. Utilize all available communications methods — email, address lists, texting, website announcements, and social  media — to let customers, vendors, partners, and employees know what is going on as it relates to them. The better you communicate, the more people will be open to change and willing to make allowances. 

When your reception area is damaged, chaos can easily ensue. But by planning for restoration as well as temporary homes for both employees and visitors, you'll come through it with less disruption and less damage to your profit margin. 
