After there is a fire in your home, it is natural to want to rush in and get to work cleaning things up. However, there is a proper and improper way to clean things up after your home experiences fire damage.

Limit Movement

After a fire, there is going to be soot all over the place. Soot can be extremely damaging, which is why you are going to want to limit movement in your home. Limiting movement will help prevent the soot from getting embedded into porous surfaces such as carpets, upholstery, and fabric. The less you move until a professional has been there to remove the soot, the better condition all your items will be in.

Turn off Electricity

Fire can cause a lot of damage, so if the electricity is not already turned off, you will want to get the electricity to your home turned off. You will not want to use any electrical appliance or outlet in your home until it has been inspected by a professional. Your home's electrical system and electrical appliances could have been damaged by the fire itself, the heat from the fire, or even the water used to put out the fire.

Deal with the Food

As your electricity is out, it is time to empty out your fridge and freezers. You don't want to leave perishable food in your fridge and freezers, resulting in rotting food, which will attract pests and lead to another layer of issues you have to deal with.

You are going to want to throw away all your food, including the food in your pantry. All the food in your house could have been impacted by the heat from the fire and could be damaged. The food could be damaged by the soot and by other chemicals released during the fire. It is not worth it to risk eating the food, so throw it all away.

Call in a Professional

To remove all the soot in your home and deal with the heat and water damage to your home, you are going to want to bring in a professional restoration company. They will help you determine what can be cleaned up and what will need to be trashed and replaced in your home. They will have the tools to clean up your home quickly and safely.

After a fire, don't enter your home until the fire captain declare that it is safe for you to enter the premises. When you gain entry, turn off the electricity and get rid of all the food in your home. Limit movement in your home until the professionals arrive to limit the soot damage. If your home has fire damage, reach out to a company like Parkside Restoration for restoration services.
